

        發布時間: :2010-09-28 16:50 瀏覽次數: :
        產品規格: 產品品牌:



        Lonza BioAssay Products
        貨 號
        MycoAlert Mycoplasma Detection Assay
        LT07-118 MycoAlert Mycoplasma Detection Kit 10 Tests
        LT07-218 MycoAlert Mycoplasma Detection Kit 25 Tests
        LT07-418 MycoAlert Mycoplasma Detection Kit 50 Tests
        LT07-318 MycoAlert Mycoplasma Detection Kit 100 Tests
        LT07-518 MycoAlert Control Set 10 Tests
          MycoZap Mycoplasma Removal Reagent  
        LT07-818 MycoZap Mycoplasma Removal Reagent,1 treatment kit kit
        Cell Health / Cell Function Assays
        1,ViaLight Cell Proliferation BioAssays
        (1)ViaLight Plus Cell Proliferation and Cytotoxicity BioAssay Kit
        LT07-121 ViaLight Plus Assay Kit 1000 tests
        LT07-221 ViaLight Plus Assay Kit 500 tests
        LT07-321 ViaLight Plus Assay Kit 10000 tests
        LT17-221 ViaLight Plus Assay Kit with plates 500 tests
        (2)High Sensitivity Cytotoxicity and Cell Proliferation BioAssay Kit
        LT07-211 ViaLight HS Assay Kit 500 tests
        LT07-111 ViaLight HS Assay Kit 1000 tests
        LT07-311 ViaLight HS - 100 plate 10000 tests
        (3)Cytotoxicity and Cell Proliferation BioAssay Kit for Prokaryotic Cells
        LT07-122 ViaLight Plus MDA Kit 1000 tests
        LT07-322 ViaLight Plus MDA Kit 10000 tests
        2,ApoGlow Rapid Apoptosis Screening Kit
        LT07-115 Apoglow Assay Kit 200 tests
        3,ToxiLight Non-Destructive Cytotoxicity BioAssay Kit
        LT07-117 ToxiLight Assay Kit 1000 tests
        LT07-217 ToxiLight Assay Kit 500 tests
        LT07-517 ToxiLight 100% Lysis Control Set 10 ml
        LT17-217 ToxiLight Assay Kit with plates 500 tests
        4,OsteoLyse Assay (Collagen)
        PA-1500 OsteoLyse Assay Kit  
        5,CalciFluor Fluorescent Calcium Assay
        PA-4490 CalciFluor?Assay Kit? X 96 wells  
        6,OsteoAssay Human Bone Plate
        PA-1000 OsteoAssay Bone Plate  
        7,AdipoRed Lipid Assay Reagent
        PT-7009 AdipoRed Assay Reagent 5 vials
        8,Luminescent Assay Accessory Products
        LT27-008 ATP Standard 5 ml
        LT27-040 ExPro Cleaning Solution 50 ml
        LT27-102 White, clear bottom 96-well TC Plates-25  
        High Throughput Screening Assays
        1,PDELight HTS cAMP Phosphodiesterase Assay
        LT07-600 PDELight Kit 500 tests
        2,PKLight HTS Protein Kinase Assay Kit
        LT07-500 PKLight HTS Protein Kinase Assay Kit  
        LT07-501 PKLight HTS Protein Kinase Assay Kit 5,000
        3,PPiLight Inorganic Pyrophosphate Assay
        LT07-610 PPiLight Inorganic Pyrophosphate Assay 500 tests
        G-Protein Coupled Receptor (GPCR) Products
        1,G-Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCR)
        A127 Human Thromboxane A2 Receptor,Frozen Membranes 400 assays
        A311 M1 Receptor Membranes,400 ul 400 assays
        A312 M2 Receptor Membranes,400 ul 400 assays
        A313 M3 Receptor Membranes,400 ul 400 assays
        A314 M4 Receptor Membranes,400 ul 400 assays
        A315 M5 Receptor Membranes,400 ul 400 assays
        A201 hGAL Receptor Membranes,800 ul 400 assays
        ACS116 hCGRP Receptor Membranes,400 ul 400 assays
        A121 FPRL1,50 ul 4000 assays
        A317 hCB1 Receptor Membranes,400 ul 400 assays
        A318 hCB2 Receptor Membranes,400 ul 400 assays
        A501 Rat Forebrain Membranes 5 mg
        A502 Rat Mid-brain Membranes 1 mg
        A503 Rat Hind-brain Membranes 1 mg
        A504 Rat Cerebellum Membranes 2 mg
        A505 Rat Hippocampus Membranes 2 mg
        A323 hEdg1 Receptor Membranes,400 ul 400 assays
        A324 hEdg2 Receptor Membranes,400 ul 400 assays
        A325 hGIP Receptor Membranes,400 ul 400 assays
        A138 SST4 Somatostatin Frozen Membranes 400 assays
        A139 SST5 Somatostatin Frozen Membranes 400 assays
        2,New! G-Protein Receptor Expressing Cell Lines
        (1)Transient Transfected Cell Lines
        Human Edg1 Receptor Cell Line
        A423 Human Edg1 transiently transfected cells  
        Human FPRL1 Receptor Cell Line
        A421 Human FPRL1 transiently transfected cells  
        50568 Transport Protein Delivery Reagent 400 ug
        A623 Human Edg1 stable transfected cell line  
        PA-3010 Alexa Phalloidin 150 U
        PA-3011 Cell Tracker Green 250 ug
        PA-3012 Cell Tracker Orange 250 ug
        PA-3013 DAPI 10 mg
        PA-3014 Hoechst 33342 Dye 10 ml
        PA-3015 Lysotracker Red 5x50 ul
        PA-3016 Live/Dead Viability Assay Kit
        PA-3017 Mitotracker Red 5x50 ug
        PA-3018 SYTO Green 250 ul
        PA-3019 SYTOX Green 250 ul
        PA-3020 Vybrant DiI 1 ml
        PA-3021 Annexin V, Alexa 488 250 ul




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