
        04-418Q LONZA X-VIVO 15 無血清培養基

        作者:admin 來源:本站 發布時間: 2014-09-25 22:40  瀏覽次數:
        購買進口儀器、試劑和耗材——就在始于2001年的畢特博生物 www.adsraven.com


        產品中文名稱:X-VIVO™ 15化學成分確定的無血清造血干細胞培養基

        英文名稱: X-VIVO™ 15 Chemically Defined, Serum-free Hematopoietic Cell Medium
        產品應用: 腫瘤浸潤淋巴細胞,CD3+等細胞的培養
        中國俗稱: 無血清培養基 中國簡稱: 無血清培養基
        注冊品牌: BioWhittaker® X-VIVO™ 生產廠家: 美國Lonza公司
        訂購貨號: 04-418Q-2
        規格型號: 1L/瓶
        保存溫度: 2~8 ℃
        產品種類: 淋巴細胞培養基及相關產品
        到貨時間: 北京倉庫有現貨,1~4天到貨
        產品編碼: YS000648
        市場價格: ¥1020元
        本司售價: ¥850元

        LONZA 04-418Q X-VIVO™ Chemically Defined, Serum-free Hematopoietic Cell Medium 研究背景
         Lonza’s R&D efforts and collaboration with many clinical trials have provided Lonza with the tools and expertise to support the developments in adoptive immunotherapy, cancer therapy, genetic therapy and other cellular therapies. Lonza’s philosophy for the development of serum-free formulations for use in cellular therapy is to provide a nutritionally complete and balanced environment for the cells. We have not included any exogenous growth factors, artificial stimulators of cellular proliferation or undefined supplements.
        The products LONZA 04-418Q X-VIVO 15 are devoid of any protein-kinase C stimulators and are suitable for the investigation of second messenger systems in the activation of human and murine lymphocytes. The formulations are complete and contain pharmaceutical grade human albumin, recombinant human insulin and pasteurized human transferrin. All X-VIVO™ Medium products are manufactured under current GMPs and are listed with the FDA in a product Master File. Permission to cross-reference the Master File may be obtained by contacting the Product Manager.

        LONZA X-VIVO™ 15 Chemically Defined, Serum-free Hematopoietic Cell Medium 簡介
        X-VIVO™ 20 Medium was developed and optimized to support the generation of LAK cells from monocyte-depleted PBL at high density. Initial cell densities between 2.0- 3.0 x 107 cells/ml were successfully used to generate LAK cells. X-VIVO™ Medium 20 may also be used as a growth medium for PBL and TIL.

        LONZA X-VIVO™ 15化學成分確定的無血清造血細胞培養基特點
        » 不含血清
        » 化學成份明確
        » 成份包含L-谷氨酰胺,慶大霉素和酚紅
        » LONZA 04-418Q 最適于無血清環境中腫瘤浸潤淋巴細胞(TIL)增殖

        X-VIVO™ 15 Chemically Defined, Serum-free Hematopoietic Cell Medium 使用注意事項

        1. LONZA 04-418Q X-VIVO™ 15 is similar in composition to X-VIVO™ 10 and has been optimized for the proliferation of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TIL) under serum-free conditions.
         2.Please see Supplemental Information for additional hematopoietic cell applications.
         3.X-VIVO™ 15, catalog number 04-418 is formulated with L-glutamine, gentamicin, and phenol red. Catalog number 04-744Q contains L-glutamine but does not contain gentamicin or phenol red.
        4.X-VIVO™ 15, catalog number BE02-053Q is formulated with L-glutamine, gentamicin, recombinant transferrin, and phenol red. X-VIVO™ 15, catalog number BE02-054Q, contains L-glutamine and recombinant transferrin but does not contain gentamicin or phenol red. The recombinant transferrin replaces native transferrin.

        Lonza X-VIVO™ 化學成分確定的無血清造血干細胞培養基訂購信息
        Catalog Number      Description                                                                                Size
        LONZA 04-380Q                  X-VIVO™ 10 Medium with L-glutamine, gentamicin,                1 L
                                         and phenol red
        LONZA 04-743Q                  X-VIVO™ 10 Medium with L-glutamine; without                        1 L
                                         gentamicin or phen red    
        LONZA BE04-418F             X-VIVO™ 15 Medium with L-glutamine, gentamicin,                500ml
                                        and phenol red (Europe only) 
        LONZA 04-418Q                 X-VIVO™ 15 Medium with L-glutamine, gentamicin,                 1 L
                                        and phenol red
        04-744Q                 X-VIVO™ 15 Medium with L-glutamine; without                         1 L
                                       gentamicin orphenol red                                       
        04-448Q                X-VIVO™ 20 Medium with L-glutamine, gentamicin,                  1 L
        and phenol red



        電話:010-82015225  13366202681  張鈺


        lonza無血清培養基  網址鏈接http://www.adsraven.com/a/gb2312/gongsixinxi/shichanghuodong/2013/0331/5024.html

        lonza 04-418Q無血清培養基   網址鏈接http://www.adsraven.com/a/gb2312/info/2013/0413/5029.html

        lonza 12-725F無血清培養基   網址鏈接http://bitebo.com/a/gb2312/gongsixinxi/shichanghuodong/2014/0514/5157.html





        購買進口儀器、試劑和耗材——就在始于2001年的畢特博生物 www.adsraven.com

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