

        作者:admin 來源:新華國際 發布時間: 2011-10-09 08:24  瀏覽次數:
        購買進口儀器、試劑和耗材——就在始于2001年的畢特博生物 www.adsraven.com



        這種細菌被稱為厭氧氨氧化菌,于上世紀9 0年代首次被發現時一度引起轟動,但解讀它們的秘密耗費了大量時間。










        Molecular mechanism of anaerobic ammonium oxidation

        Boran Kartal; Wouter J. Maalcke; Naomi M. de Almeida; Irina Cirpus; Jolein Gloerich; Wim Geerts; Huub J. M. Op den Camp; Harry R. Harhangi; Eva M. Janssen-Megens; Kees-Jan Francoijs; Hendrik G. Stunnenberg; Jan T. Keltjens; Mike S. M. Jetten; Marc Strous

        Two distinct microbial processes, denitrification and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox), are responsible for the release of fixed nitrogen as dinitrogen gas (N2) to the atmosphere1, 2, 3, 4. Denitrification has been studied for over 100 years and its intermediates and enzymes are well known5. Even though anammox is a key biogeochemical process of equal importance, its molecular mechanism is unknown, but it was proposed to proceed through hydrazine (N2H4)6, 7. Here we show that N2H4 is produced from the anammox substrates ammonium and nitrite and that nitric oxide (NO) is the direct precursor of N2H4. We resolved the genes and proteins central to anammox metabolism and purified the key enzymes that catalyse N2H4 synthesis and its oxidation to N2. These results present a new biochemical reaction forging an N–N bond and fill a lacuna in our understanding of the biochemical synthesis of the N2 in the atmosphere. Furthermore, they reinforce the role of nitric oxide in the evolution of the nitrogen cycle.


        購買進口儀器、試劑和耗材——就在始于2001年的畢特博生物 www.adsraven.com

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