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        購買進口儀器、試劑和耗材——就在始于2001年的畢特博生物 www.adsraven.com



        孔正(Kung, Ching)為美國威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校遺傳與分子生物學系教授;

        謝曉亮(Xie, X. Sunney)為美國哈佛大學化學與化學生物系教授,作為北大畢業生,謝曉亮2001年接受母校聘請成為化學學院客座教授,2009年受聘生命科學學院長江講座教授,2010年在北大組建生物動態光學成像中心;



        葉軍(Ye, Jun)為美國科羅拉多大學物理系教授,美國國家標準和技術局(NIST)與科羅拉多大學聯合實驗天體物理實驗室(JILA)研究員;






        Akil, Huda; co-director, Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Institute, and Gardner Quarton Distinguished University Professor of Neuroscience and Psychiatry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

        Bartel, David P.; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and professor of biology, department of biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge

        Beaudet, Arthur L.; Henry and Emma Meyer Professor and chair, department of molecular and human genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston

        Belytschko, Ted B.; Walter P. Murphy and McCormick Institute Professor, department of mechanical engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.

        Birchler, James A.; Curators’ Professor, pision of biological sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia

        Buckley, Rebecca H.; J. Buren Sidbury Professor of Pediatrics and professor of immunology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C.

        Chamberlain, Gary; Louis Berkman Professor of Economics, department of economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

        Church, George M.; director, Lipper Center for Computational Genetics, and professor of genetics, department of genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston

        Demmel, James W.; Dr. Richard Carl Dehmel Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, department of mathematics and the computer science pision, University of California, Berkeley

        Dietz, Harry C., III; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Victor A. McKusick Professor of Genetics and Medicine, McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, departments of medicine, pediatrics, and molecular biology and genetics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore

        Dosher, Barbara A.; dean, School of Social Science, and professor, department of cognitive science, University of California, Irvine

        Edwards, Richard L.; George and Orpha Gibson Chair of Earth Systems Sciences and Distinguished McKnight University Professor, department of geology and geophysics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

        Eppig, John J.; senior staff scientist and professor, Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine

        Fowler, Catherine S.; professor emerita, department of anthropology, University of Nevada, Reno

        Gabai, David; Hughes-Rogers Professor of Mathematics, department of mathematics, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.

        Gazzaniga, Michael S.; director, Sage Center for the Study of the Mind, University of California, Santa Barbara

        Geman, Stuart; James Manning Professor of Applied Mathematics, pision of applied mathematics, Brown University, Providence, R.I.

        Goldberg, Michael E.; David Mahoney Professor of Brain and Behavior, and director, Mahoney Center for Mind and Brain, Columbia University College of Physicians, New York City

        Gottschling, Daniel E.; full member, basic sciences pision, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle

        Gould, Fred; William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor, department of entomology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh

        Grayson, Donald K.; professor, department of anthropology, University of Washington, Seattle

        Groves, Robert M.; director, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C.

        Hanemann, W. Michael; Chancellor's Professor, department of agricultural and resource economics, University of California, Berkeley

        Harris, Joseph; professor, department of mathematics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

        Harrison, T. Mark; director, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, and professor of geology, department of earth and space sciences, University of California, Los Angeles

        Hawley, R. Scott; investigator, Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City, Mo.

        Heuser, John E.; professor of biophysics, department of cell biology and physiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis

        Hodgson, Keith O.; David Mulvane Ersham and Edward Curtis Franklin Professor of Chemistry, and associate director for photo science, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University, Menlo Park, Calif.

        Hultgren, Scott J.; Helen L. Stoever Professor of Molecular Microbiology, and director, Center for Women's Infectious Disease Research, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis

        Hynes, James T.; professor, department of chemistry and biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder

        Jacobsen, Steven E.; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and professor, department of molecular, cell, and developmental biology, University of California, Los Angeles

        Johnson, Alexander D.; professor and vice chair, department of microbiology and immunology, University of California, San Francisco

        Jorgensen, William L.; Sterling Professor of Chemistry, department of chemistry, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.

        Kareiva, Peter M.; chief scientist, The Nature Conservancy, Seattle

        Kingsley, David M.; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and professor of developmental biology, department of developmental biology, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.

        Kleinberg, Jon M.; Tisch University Professor, department of computer science, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.

        Kobilka, Brian K.; professor, departments of molecular and cellular physiology and medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, Calif.

        Kung, Ching; Vilas Professor of Genetics and Molecular Biology, departments of genetics and molecular biology, Laboratory of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Wisconsin, Madison

        Lamport, Leslie B.; principal researcher, Microsoft Research, Mountain View, Calif.

        Levine, Herbert; professor, department of physics, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla

        Malenka, Robert C.; Pritzker Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and director, Nancy Friend Pritzker Laboratory, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, Calif.

        Manley, James L.; Julian Clarence Levi Professor of Life Sciences, department of biological sciences, Columbia University, New York City

        Maquat, Lynne E.; J. Lowell Orbison Chair and professor of biochemistry and biophysics, department of biochemistry and biophysics, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, N.Y.

        Markman, Ellen M.; Lewis M. Terman Professor of Psychology, department of psychology, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.

        McCammon, J. Andrew; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Joseph E. Mayer Chair of Theoretical Chemistry, departments of chemistry and biochemistry and the department of pharmacology, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla

        McConnell, Susan K.; Susan B. Ford Professor, department of biology, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.

        McEuen, Paul L.; Goldwin Smith Professor of Physics, department of physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.

        McLanahan, Sara S.; William S. Tod Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs, Office of Population Research, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.

        Mellman, Ira S.; vice president of research oncology, Genentech Inc., South San Francisco, Calif.

        Moin, Parviz; Franklin P. and Caroline M. Johnson Professor of Engineering, department of mechanical engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.

        Nathan, Carl F.; chairman, department of microbiology and immunology, Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University, New York City

        Nussenzweig, Michel C.; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Sherman Fairchild Professor and senior physician, department of molecular immunology, Rockefeller University, New York City

        Oddone, Piermaria J.; director, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Ill.

        Parada, Luis F.; professor and Diana K. and Richard C. Strauss Distinguished Chair in Developmental Biology, department of developmental biology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas

        Perdew, John P.; professor of physics, department of physics and engineering physics, School of Science and Engineering, Tulane University, New Orleans

        Pfeiffer, Loren N.; senior research scholar in electrical engineering, department of electrical engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.

        Poor, H. Vincent; dean of engineering and applied science and Michael Henry Strater University Professor of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.

        Richmond, Geraldine L.; Richard M. and Patricia H. Noyes Professor, department of chemistry, University of Oregon, Eugene

        Rieke, George H.; Regents Professor of Astronomy, and deputy director, Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson

        Rossky, Peter J.; professor of chemical engineering and Marvin K. Collie-Welch Regents Chair in Chemistry, department of chemistry and biochemistry, University of Texas, Austin

        Sandwell, David T.; professor of geophysics, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla

        Santer, Benjamin D.; physicist and atmospheric scientist, program for climate model diagnosis and intercomparison, E.O. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, Calif.

        Shraiman, Boris I.; Suzan F. Gurley Professor of Theoretical Physics and Biology, and permanent member, Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara

        Shubin, Neil H.; Robert R. Bensley Professor and associate dean, department of organismal biology and anatomy, University of Chicago, Chicago

        Strominger, Andrew; Gwill E. York Professor of Physics, department of physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

        Theologis, Athanasios; emeritus adjunct professor, University of California, Berkeley

        Warren, Stephen T.; William Patterson Timmie Professor and chair, department of human genetics, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta

        Weingast, Barry R.; Ward C. Krebs Family Professor of Political Science, and senior fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.

        Wofsy, Steven C.; Abbott Lawrence Rotch Professor of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, department of earth and planetary sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

        Wright, Edward L.; David Saxon Presidential Chair in Physics and professor, department of physics and astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles

        Xie, X. Sunney; Mallinckrodt Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, department of chemistry and chemical biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

        Ye, Jun; NIST fellow, National Institute of Standards and Technology; JILA fellow, JILA; and adjoint professor, department of physics, University of Colorado, Boulder

        Newly elected foreign associates, their affiliations at the time of election, and their country of citizenship are:

        Björklund, Anders; professor and section chief, Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, department of experimental medical science, Lund University, Lund, Sweden (Sweden)

        Bond, J. Richard; University Professor, University of Toronto, Toronto (Canada)

        Bourgain, Jean; professor, department of mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J. (Belgium)

        Buckingham, Margaret; professor and director, department of developmental biology, Pasteur Institute, Paris (United Kingdom/France)

        Endo, Akira; director, Biopharm Research Laboratories Inc., Tokyo (Japan)

        Fenchel, Tom; professor and director, Marine Biology Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, Helsingor, Denmark (Denmark)

        Hartl, Franz-Ulrich; director, department of cellular biochemistry, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany (Germany)

        Hush, Noel S.; covener of the molecular electronics group and Foundation Professor Emeritus of Theoretical Chemistry, School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences, University of Sydney, Sydney (Australia)

        Ihm, Jisoon; professor, department of physics and astronomy, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea (South Korea)

        Johnson, Louise N.; David Phillips Professor in Molecular Biophysics, Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom (United Kingdom)

        Kornblihtt, Alberto R.; professor of molecular and cell biology, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Argentina)

        Lee, Richard B.; University Professor Emeritus, department of anthropology, University of Toronto, Toronto (Canada)

        Li, Jiayang; professor, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, and vice president, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (People's Republic of China)

        McMichael, Anthony J.; professor of population health, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, Australian National University, Canberra (Australia)

        Olsen, Johan P.; professor and director, ARENA Project, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway (Norway)

        O'Rahilly, Stephen; co-director, Institute of Metabolic Science, and director, Institute of Metabolic Science-Metabolic Research Laboratories, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom (Ireland)

        Tosatti, Erio; professor of theoretical physics, International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy (Italy)

        Yamanaka, Shinya; senior investigator and L.K. Whittier Foundation Investigator in Stem Cell Biology, Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, University of California, San Francisco (Japan)

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